INDUSTRY library

Core Additive's comprehensive resource hub, offering the latest case studies, customer testimonials, interviews, technologies, and whitepapers tailored to the specificneeds of diverse industrial sectors

explore 3d Systems innovations for additive manufacturing application needs

The EXT 800 Titan Pellet brings 3D Systems' high-speed pellet extrusion technology to organisations with budget constraints or space limitations. With a build volume of 800 x 600 x 800 mm, this compact system offers the speed and efficiency of the larger EXT Titan Pellet models at a lower cost. It's ideal for producing functional prototypes, tooling, fixtures, and end-use parts.

watch webinar here

explore 3d Systems innovations for additive manufacturing application needs

A detailed analysis of case studies and real-world applications will illustrate how these technologies can transform design possibilities, enhance perfomance, and improve efficiency in Additive Manufacturing. Expert speakers will cover the compatibility of new materials with various 3D printing technologies, offering practical insights for professionals.m Attendees will discover how these solutions support the creation of strong metal parts, accelerate part delivery, produce large, high-speed parts with injection-moulded quality, and manage high-volume precision plastic part production.

watch webinar here

Top 10 critical points for purchasing large-part 3d printers

Choosing the right large-print 3D printer can be challenging without the right information. This guide highlights the top 10 critical factors to consider. Download 3D Systems' free guide to explore essential topics, including business considerations, multifunctional and hybrid machines, pellet extrusion large-format printers, and selecting the best solution for your needs. Gain the insights needed to make an informed decision.

Download whitepaper here

how to evaluate additive manufacturing materials for production

Recent advancements in Additive Manufacturing now enable production-ready parts with exceptional quality, speed, and cost-efficiency. Figure 4 production-grade materials make it possible to transition seamlessly from prototyping to production on the same system. Explore their capabilities, including mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties, environmental stability, and biocompatibility.

Download whitepaper here

3d printing in the mining industry

Leveraging Additive Manufacturing and cloud technology, the mining sector conquers its geographic remoteness, facilitating on-site, efficient production, ensuring a resilient supply chain, and advancing high-strength applications across MRO and end-use parts, with this session offering insights into digtial solutions for supply chain concerns, market dynamics, practical case studies, and future-focused strategies

watch webinar here

Why Additive Manufacturing For Defence?

The Army's ability to maintain the effectiveness of its land power, both in established locations and during forward projections, relies heavily on an efficient supply chain, making it imperative to enhance its capacity to address supply chain challenges, such as geographical dislocation, replacement part shortages, or backlog, through the integration of Additive Manufacturing

Why additive manufacturing for mining?

The growing adoption of Additive Manufacturing in the mining industry is driven by factors such as increased innovation, the need for productivity during challenging periods, competitiveness, sustainability goals, and the flexibility to address supply chain challenges through on-demand printing

New Forge Engineering

New Forge Engineering is an industrial 3D printing service that caters to various industries, they faced challenges of high cost and long lead times with traditional manufacturing methods - find out how they found the solution in Markforged's Additive Manufacturing technology

Innoflight Technology

Innoflight, an unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturing company, was struggling to find a balance between high minimum order quantity, lead times, and quality end-use products. They found the solution in additive manufacturing - find out how in the video


In the rapidly growing Australian robotics sector, the necessity to automate operations has become paramount for the company's viability amid high labour and operational costs in the manufacturing sector, delve into why DCISIV utilised Markforged's Additive Manufacturing technology to propell them to a prominent position in the industry


As a global leader in this field, Russel Mineral Equipment (RME) turned to Markforged for in-house production of strong and accurate prototypes, resulting in time and cost savings while enabling faster delivery of products and services to customer


Discover how Lift Industries achieved cost and downtime reductions through the utilisation of Markforged Additive Manufacturing technology, which not only facilitates the creation of intricate geometries but also simplifies the process with a user-friendly "print-and-play" approach

Caladan Oceanic

Caladan Oceanic is committed to advancing undersea technology and facilitating expeditions to enhance ocean understanding, resulting in the creation of "Limiting Factor", a commercially certified two-man submersible capable of reaching full ocean depth (11,000 m/36,000 ft), and its initial application of Additive Manufacturing for rapid prototyping has since evolved into a broader scope; learn more in the accompanying video

garry rogers motorsports

Garry Rogers Motorsport is Australia’s oldest motorsport team and with the ever-evolving industry, they faced challenges in the prototyping stages and found the solution in Additive Manufacturing


Centor, an award-winning manufacturer, creates custom integrated doors for residential and commercial buildings, each requiring a proof of concept, but validating component and assembly designs had been challenging due to high machining costs and unreliable outsourcing - find out how they found the solution in Markforged's Additive Manufacturing technology

3D Printing in the Electronics Industry

Explore a range of topics in this webinar, including how Markforged customers navigate obstacles in the Electronics Manufacturing Supply Chain, the innovative utilisation of Markforged Digital Forge by Intellidesign in Brisbane, effective solutions for addressing tooling challenges in Electronics Manufacturing, and the valuable role of Markforged Onyx ESD in enhancing speed and bridging the gap between conceptual ideas and functional ESD Safe Parts within Electronics companies

3D Printing in the Food and Beverage Industry

Watch Markforged's Webinar to discover how Additive Manufacturing is revolutionising the Food and Beverage Industry, offering insights into its cost-saving potential and process optimisation for F&B companies along with Markforged's role in enhancing solutions and on-demand spare parts, and the future prospects of Additive Manufacturing in a post-pandemic F&B landscape

3D Printing in the Defence Industry

Explore how global leaders such as Lockhead Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, and the Federal Defence Forces harness Markforged's AI-Powered 3D Printing Platform, The Digital Forge, to navigate supply chain challenges, leverage high-performance composites and alloys for unparalleled design flexibility in the Defence Industry, and utilise its field-ready capabilities for increased operation adaptability

3D Printing in the Medical Industry

Over 22% of Medical and Life Science companies have embraced Additive Manufacturing, therefore, Markforged acknowledges the need for a healthcare manufacturing paradigm shift, emphasising adaptability in the face of evolving challenges like pandemic-driven demand fluctuations; explore how Australian companies leverage 3D printing for agile, cost-effective component production like Project DIAMOnD's role in PPE 3D printing in Michigan and Australian Government Grants supporting medical industry manufacturers

Innoflight Technology

Innoflight Technology, a manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles, encountered persistent challenges arising from their commitment to rapid innovation, leading to frequent design alteration and resorting to CNC production with minimum order quantities of 50-100 pieces, which proved inefficient as it resulted in excess outdated parts and wasted resources, until they harnessed the advantages of Additive Manufacturing
case study

U.S. Air Force: Cannon Air Force Base

"Readiness" is a term the U.S. Army often uses, which refers to the need for troops, formations, and equipment to perform under the pressures of military operations, therefore, they are constantly striving to increase readiness by innovating faster and better than other military groups around the world

Read how they incorporated Additive Manufacturing into their operations and how it embodied readiness

Giving the Defence Industry High-Strength Additive Manufacturing Applications

Discover how XTEK excels as an Australian manufacturer, harnessing high-strength composite Additive Manufacturing, primarily with Markforged 3D printers, to specialise in functional prototype production for law enforcement and military applications, resulting in cost reduction and streamlined lead times putting them ahead of the curve

Dunlop Systems Saves Thousands with Carbon Fiber 3D Printing

By opting to utilise their Markforged carbon fiber 3D printer for fabricating custom tools rather than outsourcing, Dunlop Systems and Components not only saved thousands on tooling expenses but also experienced increased tool availability, substantially reduced lead times, and significant cost reduction

Additive Manufacturing: The Next Industrial Revolution

Embrace the future of manufacturing and gain insights into how Additive Manufacturing is sustaining production among manufacturers in Asia Pacific, the impact of current manufacturing trends on your business, the rapid expandsion of industrial additive manufacturing, and the prioneering convergence of artificial intelligence, cloud connectivity, and 3D printing with Markforged Inspection (formerly Blacksmith)

Virtual Factory Tour with Markforged Customer BlueZone

Watch the virtual walkthrough and webinar on how BlueZoneGroup significantly reduces cost by employing High Strength Additive Manufacturing and developing an efficient strategy to enhance time-to-market, transforming $ 1,500 CNC-made moulds into $25 creations and exploring the potential for Offshore and Subsea companies to harness Additive Manufacturing via a Digital Inventory, enabling on-demand part printing

How to build an Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) Strategy for your business

Additive Manufacturing is a game-changer for product design and production and it is crucial for businesses to acquire application-centric insights into the technology's integration on the factory floor, beginning with a foundational understanding of its operation and implementation

3D Print Farms for On-Demand Robot Manufacturing

Gain insights from industry leaders like Haddington Dynamics, Added Value Aluminium, and Markforged Australia, as they share their experiences with rapid design iteration, cost-effective production, and the advantages of Continuous Fiber Filament in Additive manufacturing, featuring key speaker Jason Hampton Taylor, International Director at Haddington Dynamics, Anthony Rosengren from Added Value Aluminium, and Richard Elving, Director of Markforged APAC South

How to Implement A Metal 3D Printing Strategy

Gain insights into how businesses have adopted metal 3D printing, its compelling advantages, and explore the steps for implementing this technology in an informative session featuring Markforged's Applications Engineer, Anthony Rosengren

Functional Prototyping with Metal 3D Printing

Explore how the Metal X enables cost-effective, in-house production of functional prototypes with minimal labour compared to alternative methods

3D Printed Metal and Composite Assemblies

Participate in the discussion led by Markforged engineers, exploring the synergistic benefits of combining metal and carbon fiber 3D printing systems to produce robust tools tailored for enhanced manufacturing processes, while uncovering diverse strategies for seamless integration of these complementary technologies

H13 Tool Steel Launch Webinar

Join Markforged Lead Content Engineer, Daniel Leong, in unveiling H13 Tool Steel, enabling the 3D printing of a wider range of metal parts, and showcase of innovative H13 parts and discussion of application parts

Five Parts You Didn't Know You Can 3D Print

Explore the remarkable evolution of Additive Manufacturing, particularly in composite 3D printing, which has enabled the creation of parts rivalling the strength of aluminium and greatly expanding the technology's applications from early prototyping to producing industrial-grade tolling, fixtures, and end-use components through real-world design and manufacturing examples from Haddington Dynamics, Lean Machine, JJ Churchill and Hunter High School

Strategies and Tips to Get the Most Out of Metal 3D Printing

Join Nick Sondej as he shares valuable insights into maximising the potential of metal 3D printing, covering the utilisation of Metal Injection Moulding in the Markforged process, design considerations for enhancing printing success at every stage, and post-processing finishing choices along with their associated tradeoffs

Walking the Line: 3D Printing on the Factory Floor

Discover how Markforged's metal and continuous fiber-reinforced 3D printing technologies are increasingly being employed by industrial manufacturers to address a multitude of challenges, from alignment and drill jigs to production fixtures, work holding, and robotic end-of-arm tooling, hosted by Senior Application Engineer, Nick Sondej, where you'll learn to identify opportunities for high-strength 3D printing on the production floor, understand why Markforged parts excel in manufacturing environments, and see how 3D printing can enhance cost-efficiency, uptime, and quality across a diverse array of factory applications

Why You Should 3D Print Soft Jaws Instead of Machining Workholding Parts

Explore how 3D printing soft jaws can improve manufacturing and assembly processes and a demonstration by Markforged's Content Engineer, Daniel Leong, on how printed carbon fiber parts can replace machined aluminium parts

How to Identify Additive Manufacturing Opportunities in Your Workplace

Discover Markforged's expert strategies for identifying 3D printing opportunities in manufacturing operations, including machine setup, fixturing, tooling, and production line optimisation to excel with efficiency and cost-effectiveness

Learn How Industrial 3D Printing Transforms Machine Shop Operations

Join Phil Vickery, President and Owner of Centerline Engineered Solutions, as he discusses how he harnessed industrial 3D printing to significantly cut costs by producing tooling with chopped carbon fiber and steel inserts, boost efficiency through the creation of printed jigs, tools, and fixtures, and broaden manufacturing capabilities opening doors to new business prospects
Product Development

Learn How to 3D Print End-of-Arm Tooling For Industrial Robots

Senior Application Engineer Nick Sondej demonstrates how 3D printed end-of-arm tooling (EOAT) effectively overcomes the common issues associated with conventional manufacturing processes by optimising strength-to-weight ratios, enabling, conformal design for unique parts, and facilitating cost-efficient rapid iterations, which will evidenced through various customer applications and the development process of diverse 3D printed EOAT types

2020, global supply chain report

Discover how companies employing Additive Manufacturing solutions navigated the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on business, the utilisation of 3D printing in response to the health crisis, the difficulties encountered by manufacturers reliant on traditional technology, and their future strategies for additive manufacturing investment amongst other key insights

Industry Guide to Metal 3D Printers

This comprehensive guide, led by industry experts, simplifies the landscape of metal 3D printing, covering its tangible benefits, technology and material options, and actionable guidelines for implementing the printers - other topics covered are: ROI, technical advantages over traditional manufacturing, affected industries, available metal materials, and the merits and drawbacks of the four primary 3D metal printer types

Buyer's Guide to 3D Printing for Manufacturing

Discover the transformative impact of 3D printing in manufacturing, spanning prototyping, tooling, fixtures, and low-volume production, while ensuring optimal ROI by selecting the ideal Additive Manufacturing platform to enhance manufacturing line productivity with Markforged's comprehensive buyer's guide

Guide to 3D Printing on the Production Line

Explore the cost-saving and productivity-enhancing benefits of high-strength Additive Manufacturing for manufacturers, offering insights into the rapid 3D printing of intricate tools and fixtures, providing guidance on identifying impactful 3D printing applications, and highlight real-world success stories of 3D printing integration on the factory floor

What Problems Can You Solve with Metal Additive Manufacturing?

Explore the rationale behind investing in metal Additive Manufacturing by examining its capacity to address your organisation's specific challenges and harness its unique advantages, outlined in this white paper highlighting three key benefits and three tailor-made problem-solving capabilities of the technology

Design Guide for 3D Printing with Metal

Explore the essential design insights for successful part printing on the Markforged Metal X 3D printer, how to leverage the Bound Powder Extrusion (BPE) process that combines metal powder with waxy polymers, delivered in filament form and extruded, akin to FFF printing, and valuable tips to optimise designs for metal 3D printing, material selection and post-processing choices

Design Guide for 3D Printing with Composites

Navigate the essential aspects of the design process for effectively optimising parts produced on Markforged composite 3D printers, emphasising the need for high-strength components and the advantages of designing for Additive Manufacturing, which allows for intricate geometrics, customisation, and reduced part assemblies

3D Printed Tooling and Fixtures

Discover how industrial 3D printers generate durable, high-strength parts capable of withstanding demanding manufacturing floor conditions, serving as tools, jigs, and fixtures in three practical applications that not only reduce lead times and material expenses but also enhance machine capacity

Address More Manufacturing Challenges with Composite and Metal 3D Printing

Discover how high-strength composite 3D printing and metal 3D printing can complement each other to enhance your manufacturing processes for diverse applications, including tooling, fixtures, low-volume end-use parts, and functional prototypes
case study

3D Printed Tool Lifts 2000lb (960kg) Engine Piston

Helsinki-based billion-dollar manufacturer, Wärtsilä, achieved substantial cost savings by optimising manufacturing processes through 3D printing, utilising lightweight, high-strength carbon fiber tools that can lift up to 2000 lbs (960 kg) while being 75% lighter than their machined counterparts, demostrating benefits in transportation cost reduction, accelerated new product introduction, and factory optimisation for cost reduction and product efficiency
case study

Stanley Black and Decker

Stanley Black & Decker, the leading tools and storage provider, adopted Markforged metal 3D printing due to its cost-efficiency, achieving 92% cost savings and 95% time savings in comparison to traditional manufacturing methods for end-use parts, with this case study highlighting the streamlined production process, real-world performance, and substaintial potential cost savings for engineers
case study

Why Guhring UK Turned to 3D Printing Specialty Tools

Explore the emergence of a new revenue stream for Guhring UK, a renowned speciality tool manufacturer for leading companies like BMW, Airbus, BAE Systems, and Jaguar Land Rover, on leveraging Markforged metal 3D printer to create an initial prototype milling cutter, the performance of the part and the efficiency gains from lightweight tool 3D printing in production lines

A Step-by-Step Walkthrough of the Markforged 3D Printing Software

Markforged's 3D printing software simplifies the use of their advanced printers, offering cloud-based printing for streamlined organization-wide workflows and comprehensive printer network management, while at the individual part level, it provides precision and superior surface finish in high-strength composite and metal parts through selective continuous fiber reinforcement and intelligent slicing; this video tutorial covers navigating the cloud-based file management system, importing and reinforcing composite parts, optimizing the process for printing, washing, and sintering metal parts, and estimating part costs, weight, and print times

Inside the World of Metal 3D Printing

Explore a range of introductory resources for metal 3D printing, including a concise Metal X process video, an inside look at the Metal X 3D printer, a metal 3D printing design guide, and illuminating case studies from Stanley Black & Decker and Siemens Gas & Power

Why Additive Manufacturing For Defence?

The Army's ability to maintain the effectiveness of its land power, both in established locations and during forward projections, relies heavily on an efficient supply chain, making it imperative to enhance its capacity to address supply chain challenges, such as geographical dislocation, replacement part shortages, or backlog, through the integration of Additive Manufacturing

Why additive manufacturing for mining?

The growing adoption of Additive Manufacturing in the mining industry is driven by factors such as increased innovation, the need for productivity during challenging periods, competitiveness, sustainability goals, and the flexibility to address supply chain challenges through on-demand printing

New Forge Engineering

New Forge Engineering is an industrial 3D printing service that caters to various industries, they faced challenges of high cost and long lead times with traditional manufacturing methods - find out how they found the solution in Markforged's Additive Manufacturing technology

Innoflight Technology

Innoflight Technology, a manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles, encountered persistent challenges arising from their commitment to rapid innovation, leading to frequent design alteration and resorting to CNC production with minimum order quantities of 50-100 pieces, which proved inefficient as it resulted in excess outdated parts and wasted resources, until they harnessed the advantages of Additive Manufacturing

Innoflight Technology

Innoflight, an unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturing company, was struggling to find a balance between high minimum order quantity, lead times, and quality end-use products. They found the solution in additive manufacturing - find out how in the video


In the rapidly growing Australian robotics sector, the necessity to automate operations has become paramount for the company's viability amid high labour and operational costs in the manufacturing sector, delve into why DCISIV utilised Markforged's Additive Manufacturing technology to propell them to a prominent position in the industry


As a global leader in this field, Russel Mineral Equipment (RME) turned to Markforged for in-house production of strong and accurate prototypes, resulting in time and cost savings while enabling faster delivery of products and services to customer


Discover how Lift Industries achieved cost and downtime reductions through the utilisation of Markforged Additive Manufacturing technology, which not only facilitates the creation of intricate geometries but also simplifies the process with a user-friendly "print-and-play" approach

Caladan Oceanic

Caladan Oceanic is committed to advancing undersea technology and facilitating expeditions to enhance ocean understanding, resulting in the creation of "Limiting Factor", a commercially certified two-man submersible capable of reaching full ocean depth (11,000 m/36,000 ft), and its initial application of Additive Manufacturing for rapid prototyping has since evolved into a broader scope; learn more in the accompanying video

garry rogers motorsports

Garry Rogers Motorsport is Australia’s oldest motorsport team and with the ever-evolving industry, they faced challenges in the prototyping stages and found the solution in Additive Manufacturing


Centor, an award-winning manufacturer, creates custom integrated doors for residential and commercial buildings, each requiring a proof of concept, but validating component and assembly designs had been challenging due to high machining costs and unreliable outsourcing - find out how they found the solution in Markforged's Additive Manufacturing technology
case study

U.S. Air Force: Cannon Air Force Base

"Readiness" is a term the U.S. Army often uses, which refers to the need for troops, formations, and equipment to perform under the pressures of military operations, therefore, they are constantly striving to increase readiness by innovating faster and better than other military groups around the world

Read how they incorporated Additive Manufacturing into their operations and how it embodied readiness

Dunlop Systems Saves Thousands with Carbon Fiber 3D Printing

By opting to utilise their Markforged carbon fiber 3D printer for fabricating custom tools rather than outsourcing, Dunlop Systems and Components not only saved thousands on tooling expenses but also experienced increased tool availability, substantially reduced lead times, and significant cost reduction
case study

3D Printed Tool Lifts 2000lb (960kg) Engine Piston

Helsinki-based billion-dollar manufacturer, Wärtsilä, achieved substantial cost savings by optimising manufacturing processes through 3D printing, utilising lightweight, high-strength carbon fiber tools that can lift up to 2000 lbs (960 kg) while being 75% lighter than their machined counterparts, demostrating benefits in transportation cost reduction, accelerated new product introduction, and factory optimisation for cost reduction and product efficiency
case study

Stanley Black and Decker

Stanley Black & Decker, the leading tools and storage provider, adopted Markforged metal 3D printing due to its cost-efficiency, achieving 92% cost savings and 95% time savings in comparison to traditional manufacturing methods for end-use parts, with this case study highlighting the streamlined production process, real-world performance, and substaintial potential cost savings for engineers
case study

Why Guhring UK Turned to 3D Printing Specialty Tools

Explore the emergence of a new revenue stream for Guhring UK, a renowned speciality tool manufacturer for leading companies like BMW, Airbus, BAE Systems, and Jaguar Land Rover, on leveraging Markforged metal 3D printer to create an initial prototype milling cutter, the performance of the part and the efficiency gains from lightweight tool 3D printing in production lines

3d printing in the mining industry

Leveraging Additive Manufacturing and cloud technology, the mining sector conquers its geographic remoteness, facilitating on-site, efficient production, ensuring a resilient supply chain, and advancing high-strength applications across MRO and end-use parts, with this session offering insights into digtial solutions for supply chain concerns, market dynamics, practical case studies, and future-focused strategies

watch webinar here

3D Printing in the Electronics Industry

Explore a range of topics in this webinar, including how Markforged customers navigate obstacles in the Electronics Manufacturing Supply Chain, the innovative utilisation of Markforged Digital Forge by Intellidesign in Brisbane, effective solutions for addressing tooling challenges in Electronics Manufacturing, and the valuable role of Markforged Onyx ESD in enhancing speed and bridging the gap between conceptual ideas and functional ESD Safe Parts within Electronics companies

3D Printing in the Food and Beverage Industry

Watch Markforged's Webinar to discover how Additive Manufacturing is revolutionising the Food and Beverage Industry, offering insights into its cost-saving potential and process optimisation for F&B companies along with Markforged's role in enhancing solutions and on-demand spare parts, and the future prospects of Additive Manufacturing in a post-pandemic F&B landscape

3D Printing in the Defence Industry

Explore how global leaders such as Lockhead Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, and the Federal Defence Forces harness Markforged's AI-Powered 3D Printing Platform, The Digital Forge, to navigate supply chain challenges, leverage high-performance composites and alloys for unparalleled design flexibility in the Defence Industry, and utilise its field-ready capabilities for increased operation adaptability

3D Printing in the Medical Industry

Over 22% of Medical and Life Science companies have embraced Additive Manufacturing, therefore, Markforged acknowledges the need for a healthcare manufacturing paradigm shift, emphasising adaptability in the face of evolving challenges like pandemic-driven demand fluctuations; explore how Australian companies leverage 3D printing for agile, cost-effective component production like Project DIAMOnD's role in PPE 3D printing in Michigan and Australian Government Grants supporting medical industry manufacturers

Giving the Defence Industry High-Strength Additive Manufacturing Applications

Discover how XTEK excels as an Australian manufacturer, harnessing high-strength composite Additive Manufacturing, primarily with Markforged 3D printers, to specialise in functional prototype production for law enforcement and military applications, resulting in cost reduction and streamlined lead times putting them ahead of the curve

Additive Manufacturing: The Next Industrial Revolution

Embrace the future of manufacturing and gain insights into how Additive Manufacturing is sustaining production among manufacturers in Asia Pacific, the impact of current manufacturing trends on your business, the rapid expandsion of industrial additive manufacturing, and the prioneering convergence of artificial intelligence, cloud connectivity, and 3D printing with Markforged Inspection (formerly Blacksmith)

Virtual Factory Tour with Markforged Customer BlueZone

Watch the virtual walkthrough and webinar on how BlueZoneGroup significantly reduces cost by employing High Strength Additive Manufacturing and developing an efficient strategy to enhance time-to-market, transforming $ 1,500 CNC-made moulds into $25 creations and exploring the potential for Offshore and Subsea companies to harness Additive Manufacturing via a Digital Inventory, enabling on-demand part printing

How to build an Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) Strategy for your business

Additive Manufacturing is a game-changer for product design and production and it is crucial for businesses to acquire application-centric insights into the technology's integration on the factory floor, beginning with a foundational understanding of its operation and implementation

3D Print Farms for On-Demand Robot Manufacturing

Gain insights from industry leaders like Haddington Dynamics, Added Value Aluminium, and Markforged Australia, as they share their experiences with rapid design iteration, cost-effective production, and the advantages of Continuous Fiber Filament in Additive manufacturing, featuring key speaker Jason Hampton Taylor, International Director at Haddington Dynamics, Anthony Rosengren from Added Value Aluminium, and Richard Elving, Director of Markforged APAC South

How to Implement A Metal 3D Printing Strategy

Gain insights into how businesses have adopted metal 3D printing, its compelling advantages, and explore the steps for implementing this technology in an informative session featuring Markforged's Applications Engineer, Anthony Rosengren

Functional Prototyping with Metal 3D Printing

Explore how the Metal X enables cost-effective, in-house production of functional prototypes with minimal labour compared to alternative methods

3D Printed Metal and Composite Assemblies

Participate in the discussion led by Markforged engineers, exploring the synergistic benefits of combining metal and carbon fiber 3D printing systems to produce robust tools tailored for enhanced manufacturing processes, while uncovering diverse strategies for seamless integration of these complementary technologies

H13 Tool Steel Launch Webinar

Join Markforged Lead Content Engineer, Daniel Leong, in unveiling H13 Tool Steel, enabling the 3D printing of a wider range of metal parts, and showcase of innovative H13 parts and discussion of application parts

Five Parts You Didn't Know You Can 3D Print

Explore the remarkable evolution of Additive Manufacturing, particularly in composite 3D printing, which has enabled the creation of parts rivalling the strength of aluminium and greatly expanding the technology's applications from early prototyping to producing industrial-grade tolling, fixtures, and end-use components through real-world design and manufacturing examples from Haddington Dynamics, Lean Machine, JJ Churchill and Hunter High School

Strategies and Tips to Get the Most Out of Metal 3D Printing

Join Nick Sondej as he shares valuable insights into maximising the potential of metal 3D printing, covering the utilisation of Metal Injection Moulding in the Markforged process, design considerations for enhancing printing success at every stage, and post-processing finishing choices along with their associated tradeoffs

Walking the Line: 3D Printing on the Factory Floor

Discover how Markforged's metal and continuous fiber-reinforced 3D printing technologies are increasingly being employed by industrial manufacturers to address a multitude of challenges, from alignment and drill jigs to production fixtures, work holding, and robotic end-of-arm tooling, hosted by Senior Application Engineer, Nick Sondej, where you'll learn to identify opportunities for high-strength 3D printing on the production floor, understand why Markforged parts excel in manufacturing environments, and see how 3D printing can enhance cost-efficiency, uptime, and quality across a diverse array of factory applications

Why You Should 3D Print Soft Jaws Instead of Machining Workholding Parts

Explore how 3D printing soft jaws can improve manufacturing and assembly processes and a demonstration by Markforged's Content Engineer, Daniel Leong, on how printed carbon fiber parts can replace machined aluminium parts

How to Identify Additive Manufacturing Opportunities in Your Workplace

Discover Markforged's expert strategies for identifying 3D printing opportunities in manufacturing operations, including machine setup, fixturing, tooling, and production line optimisation to excel with efficiency and cost-effectiveness

Learn How Industrial 3D Printing Transforms Machine Shop Operations

Join Phil Vickery, President and Owner of Centerline Engineered Solutions, as he discusses how he harnessed industrial 3D printing to significantly cut costs by producing tooling with chopped carbon fiber and steel inserts, boost efficiency through the creation of printed jigs, tools, and fixtures, and broaden manufacturing capabilities opening doors to new business prospects

Learn How to 3D Print End-of-Arm Tooling For Industrial Robots

Senior Application Engineer Nick Sondej demonstrates how 3D printed end-of-arm tooling (EOAT) effectively overcomes the common issues associated with conventional manufacturing processes by optimising strength-to-weight ratios, enabling, conformal design for unique parts, and facilitating cost-efficient rapid iterations, which will evidenced through various customer applications and the development process of diverse 3D printed EOAT types

A Step-by-Step Walkthrough of the Markforged 3D Printing Software

Markforged's 3D printing software simplifies the use of their advanced printers, offering cloud-based printing for streamlined organization-wide workflows and comprehensive printer network management, while at the individual part level, it provides precision and superior surface finish in high-strength composite and metal parts through selective continuous fiber reinforcement and intelligent slicing; this video tutorial covers navigating the cloud-based file management system, importing and reinforcing composite parts, optimizing the process for printing, washing, and sintering metal parts, and estimating part costs, weight, and print times

how to evaluate additive manufacturing materials for production

Recent advancements in Additive Manufacturing now enable production-ready parts with exceptional quality, speed, and cost-efficiency. Figure 4 production-grade materials make it possible to transition seamlessly from prototyping to production on the same system. Explore their capabilities, including mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties, environmental stability, and biocompatibility.

Download whitepaper here

2020, global supply chain report

Discover how companies employing Additive Manufacturing solutions navigated the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on business, the utilisation of 3D printing in response to the health crisis, the difficulties encountered by manufacturers reliant on traditional technology, and their future strategies for additive manufacturing investment amongst other key insights

Industry Guide to Metal 3D Printers

This comprehensive guide, led by industry experts, simplifies the landscape of metal 3D printing, covering its tangible benefits, technology and material options, and actionable guidelines for implementing the printers - other topics covered are: ROI, technical advantages over traditional manufacturing, affected industries, available metal materials, and the merits and drawbacks of the four primary 3D metal printer types

Buyer's Guide to 3D Printing for Manufacturing

Discover the transformative impact of 3D printing in manufacturing, spanning prototyping, tooling, fixtures, and low-volume production, while ensuring optimal ROI by selecting the ideal Additive Manufacturing platform to enhance manufacturing line productivity with Markforged's comprehensive buyer's guide

Guide to 3D Printing on the Production Line

Explore the cost-saving and productivity-enhancing benefits of high-strength Additive Manufacturing for manufacturers, offering insights into the rapid 3D printing of intricate tools and fixtures, providing guidance on identifying impactful 3D printing applications, and highlight real-world success stories of 3D printing integration on the factory floor

What Problems Can You Solve with Metal Additive Manufacturing?

Explore the rationale behind investing in metal Additive Manufacturing by examining its capacity to address your organisation's specific challenges and harness its unique advantages, outlined in this white paper highlighting three key benefits and three tailor-made problem-solving capabilities of the technology

5 Applications of Metal 3D Printing

Gain insight into the advantages of metal 3D printing compared to traditional fabrication, the initial step in assessing its suitability, and unlock potential applications effortlessly, maximising the potential of your machine by downloading the white paper featuring give typical application use cases

Design Guide for 3D Printing with Metal

Explore the essential design insights for successful part printing on the Markforged Metal X 3D printer, how to leverage the Bound Powder Extrusion (BPE) process that combines metal powder with waxy polymers, delivered in filament form and extruded, akin to FFF printing, and valuable tips to optimise designs for metal 3D printing, material selection and post-processing choices

Design Guide for 3D Printing with Composites

Navigate the essential aspects of the design process for effectively optimising parts produced on Markforged composite 3D printers, emphasising the need for high-strength components and the advantages of designing for Additive Manufacturing, which allows for intricate geometrics, customisation, and reduced part assemblies

3D Printed Tooling and Fixtures

Discover how industrial 3D printers generate durable, high-strength parts capable of withstanding demanding manufacturing floor conditions, serving as tools, jigs, and fixtures in three practical applications that not only reduce lead times and material expenses but also enhance machine capacity

Address More Manufacturing Challenges with Composite and Metal 3D Printing

Discover how high-strength composite 3D printing and metal 3D printing can complement each other to enhance your manufacturing processes for diverse applications, including tooling, fixtures, low-volume end-use parts, and functional prototypes

Inside the World of Metal 3D Printing

Explore a range of introductory resources for metal 3D printing, including a concise Metal X process video, an inside look at the Metal X 3D printer, a metal 3D printing design guide, and illuminating case studies from Stanley Black & Decker and Siemens Gas & Power